Titolo: Caccia alle streghe a Berlino Post di: alura su Giugno 12, 2015, 08:48:44 am Pensavo fossero piu' permissivi in Germania...
Seems like zee German police are on a…tuning witch-hunt, as Berlin cops are seizing cars on the "suspicion of illegally installed modifications" on site. We repeat, they are snatching and towing away vehicles merely on the suspicion that their owners have tuned them in an unlawful way – and they're pretty damn proud of it. Basically, they're profiling cars! In a statement in late May, the Berlin Police shared pictures of several cars, including a Lamborghini, a BMW, and an Alfa Romeo being lifted on a trailer after officers pulled them over for producing "extremely loud engine noises". According to a police statement, "All vehicles were suspected to have technical defects" and would be further inspected by technicians. In another statement issued this week, the Berlin Police said that they completed another roundup of several cars suspected to have illegal mods after "complaints from residents about reckless driving styles and constant disregard of traffic regulations. These include extreme acceleration, traveling at excessive speed and start by rotating "smoldering" tires [aka burnouts]. On Thursday, Berlin Police seized six more high-end vehicles, including a Maserati, a Lamborghini, and a Mercedes-AMG, among others, together with a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The vehicles were said to have been detained for numerous reasons, including improper wheel and tire combinations and loud exhausts. http://www.carscoops.com/2015/06/berlin-police-is-profiling-and-seizing.html Titolo: Re: Caccia alle streghe a Berlino Post di: Homer su Giugno 12, 2015, 13:11:07 pm Se si piazzano al ring sequestrano il 101% di mezzi...comprese le pattuglie :)
Titolo: Re: Caccia alle streghe a Berlino Post di: Patarix su Giugno 12, 2015, 15:52:20 pm Citato da: alura su Giugno 12, 2015, 08:48:44 am being lifted on a trailer after officers pulled them over for producing "extremely loud engine noises". According to a police statement, "All vehicles were suspected to have technical defects" and would be further inspected by technicians. In another statement issued this week, the Berlin Police said that they completed another roundup of several cars suspected to have illegal mods after "complaints from residents about reckless driving styles and constant disregard of traffic regulations. These include extreme acceleration, traveling at excessive speed and start by rotating "smoldering" tires [aka burnouts]. On Thursday, Berlin Police seized six more high-end vehicles, including a Maserati, a Lamborghini, and a Mercedes-AMG, among others, together with a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The vehicles were said to have been detained for numerous reasons, including improper wheel and tire combinations and loud exhausts. http://www.carscoops.com/2015/06/berlin-police-is-profiling-and-seizing.html Se effettivamente certi veicoli fanno un rumore troppo elevato o hanno montato ruote eccessivamente larghe, mi pare giusto sequestrare. Quí da noi a volte vedi in giro gente con gomme che sporgono anche 10cm per lato dal corpo vettura....anche fuoristrada...e la cosa onestamete é ridicola e pericolosa. Anche per quanto riguarda l'eccessiva rumorositá degli scarichi, se si é troppo permissivi si finisce con l'anarchia. Quí fino a tre anni fa, quando il servizio di trasporto urbano era effettuato da conducenti il cui autobus era privato....c'éra da ridere!! C'era sempre un rumore allucinante in cittá.... Dato che i conducenti guadagnavano su quanti piú passeggeri riuscivano a caricare e trasportarli velocemente, tutti gli autobus venivano modificati all'inverosimile, con scarichi da farli sembrare dragster, turbo maggiorati, motori trapiantati da camion, ecc. Un rumore assordante (anche se bellissimo....V8 Turbo di vecchia generazione); a parte la pericolositá....quei veicoli non sono mai stati progettati per fare 140 km/h ;D Non per nulla erano chiamati "DIABLOS ROJOS".... Ecco una foto di come erano prima e come sono adesso....per la pace delle orecchie (e la sicurezza di chi ci viaggia): (https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10881868_849184551787997_1446554267_n.jpg) (https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8214/8262904120_c70d1b9527_b.jpg) Titolo: Re: Caccia alle streghe a Berlino Post di: MRC su Giugno 12, 2015, 16:37:27 pm erano fanstastici! peccato che vi siete omologati con il resto del mondo
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