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   La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
hans muller
Maggio 08, 2009, 11:48:54 am
Utente standard, V8, 273 posts
La fusione della Porsche con VW a causa dei debiti, preannuncia il siluramento di Wiedeking
Wiedeking's future is in the balance
Paul McVeigh
Automotive News Europe
May 8, 2009 06:01 CET

MUNICH -- Porsche's plan to merge with Volkswagen has intensifed a power struggle that could see the spectacular fall of the sports car maker's CEO Wendelin Wiedeking.
The German press says that Wiedeking faces his Götterdämmerung after his plan for Porsche to take control of Volkswagen, a company 15 times Porsche's size, was abandoned.

Laden with debts of 9 billion euros ($11.99 billion) from its acquisition of 51 percent of VW shares, Porsche Automobil Holding on Wednesday halted its original plan to seize control of VW, which is Europe's largest automaker, by raising its stake to 75 percent.

Instead the Porsche-Piech clan, which controls Porsche, wants to merge their Stuttgart-based sports car business with VW under a new holding company. Porsche would become the 10th brand in VW group alongside units such as Scania trucks, Skoda, Seat, Bentley and Lamborghini.

Winterkorn favorite

It's not clear who will run the new company. German press reports say VW group CEO Martin Winterkorn, 62, is favorite because Wiedeking has made too many enemies with his outspoken attacks on the way VW is run.

“Wiedeking has broken too much china,” said Stefan Bratzel, head of the Centre of Automotive Research at the University of Applied Sciences in Bergish-Gladbach, Germany.

Winterkorn also is a protege of VW Chairman Ferdinand Piech, who wants Wiedeking and Porsche's Chief Finance Officer Holger Haerter to be fired for amassing huge debts at Porsche, according to German media reports.

Wiedeking admits that a merger with VW is not what he hoped for. “It's not a marriage made in heaven, more a marriage of convenience,” Wiedeking told Porsche's 3,000 employees in Stuttgart on Thursday.

When Porsche first began building up its stake in VW in 2005, Wiedeking upset Wolfsburg's powerful trade unions by calling for “sacred cows” to be slaughtered.

He challenged VW's labor agreement that pays the company's German workers above the industry average and called for the abolition of the so-called VW Law. The law gives the north German state of Lower Saxony where VW is based a blocking minority on strategic decisions because it has a 20 percent stake in VW.

Wiedeking also upset Piech by criticizing as cars, which the VW patriarch had championed, such as the Bugatti Veyron and VW Phaeton.

Until the extent of Porsche's debts became clear in recent weeks, Wiedeking, 56, had seemed untouchable.

He was praised as one of the auto industry's brightest stars after turning Porsche from a bankruptcy candidate into the world's most profitable carmaker. His salary of 80 million euros last year made him Germany's highest paid boss.

Wiedeking loses key ally

Now some of Wiedeking's staunchest supporters are distancing themselves from him.

Porsche's labor boss Uwe Hueck was previously a key ally of Wiedeking's in challenging VW's trade union leaders and the VW Law. Hueck now says he wants a similar law at Porsche to protect its workers..

“I am concentrating on the workforce, the bosses are secondary,” Hueck said.

Porsche's workers are disillusioned. “Porsche is finished. We're VW now,” one worker told reporters at the factory gates.

Lower Saxony and VW labor leaders have threatened to block a VW-Porsche merger unless they win key concessions.

Lower Saxony Premier Christian Wulff insisted on maintaining the state's blocking minority stake, two seats on the supervisory board, and a veto on plant closures. He added that a merger was by no means a done deal.

VW's employee leaders said labor should continue to have a major say in how the new company is run.

Porsche will struggle to dictate terms of how the new company will look, analysts and bankers close to the deal say.

"Volkswagen and Lower Saxony are now in the driver's seat," Credit Suisse analyst Arndt Ellinghorst said on Thursday. "Porsche needs VW's cash, and VW doesn't need Porsche's debt."

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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
TonyH I'm the face of terror. Terrier Terror.
Maggio 08, 2009, 11:50:56 am
Staff, V12, 28678 posts
Minchia....e pensare che quando Marchionne disse che Porsche fosse assimilabile ai fondi munnezza tutti gli diedero del visionario....... Shocked Shocked

your honor student is merely a pawn in my westie's diabolical world domination plot!
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Maggio 08, 2009, 11:58:16 am
Visitatore, , posts
Quindi silurano pure la Cayenne 3.0TDI!? Dai dai.. Cheesy
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Maggio 08, 2009, 12:40:16 pm
Utente standard, V12, 23763 posts
Minchia....e pensare che quando Marchionne disse che Porsche fosse assimilabile ai fondi munnezza tutti gli diedero del visionario....... Shocked Shocked

Lo sai, no? i tedeschi sono i tedeschi, basta leggere altri topic... ubi major...  Wink Grin
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
kaos In principio era tenebra,girò la chiave e luce fu.
Maggio 08, 2009, 12:47:27 pm
Staff, V12, 32956 posts
non ho capito...chi è che ha i debiti?
Porsche o VW?
Perchè fino a 3 nanosecondi fa ci hanno raccontato che porsche è la casa con gli utili più alti del mondo e senza debiti......quindi sarà VW il problem giusto?

Ecco là vedo mio padre.
Ecco là vedo mia madre le mie sorelle e i miei fratelli.
Ecco là vedo tutti i miei parenti defunti dal principio alla fine.
Ecco ora chiamano me, mi invitano a prendere posto nelle sale del Valhalla dove l'impavido può vivere per sempre.
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Maggio 08, 2009, 12:51:25 pm
Utente standard, V12, 23763 posts
ma non siera detto che anche Vag godeva di eccellente salute?
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
TonyH I'm the face of terror. Terrier Terror.
Maggio 08, 2009, 12:52:58 pm
Staff, V12, 28678 posts
Magari i comparti auto sono sani.....ma si saranno sputtanati tutto con la finanza cre........ativa, o con politiche di renting suicide sul lungo periodo (vedi BMW, e se continua così anche Audi...)

your honor student is merely a pawn in my westie's diabolical world domination plot!
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   Re: La poltrona di Wiedeking a rischio   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Maggio 08, 2009, 13:02:48 pm
Visitatore, , posts
< staff: rimosso su richiesta dell'utente >
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