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   VW sorpassa Toyota?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
hans muller
Aprile 20, 2009, 15:28:58 pm
Utente standard, V8, 273 posts
Nel primo trimestre sembrerebbe che VW malgrado un calo di vendite del 11% abbia sorpassato la Toyota che ha avuto un calo di vendite del 47%

Volkswagen Q1 sales may overtake Toyota

Automotive News Europe
April 17, 2009 06:01 CET
UPDATED: 11:00 am U.S. ET

TOKYO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) -- Volkswagen group may have overtaken Toyota Motor to become the world's top-selling carmaker in the first quarter, thanks to government incentives that fuelled demand in VW's major markets.

Although overall VW deliveries to customers fell 11 percent to about 1.39 million vehicles, the Wolfsburg-based group increased its share of the global passenger car market by 130 basis points to 11.0 percent.

"To gain market share during a crisis is certainly remarkable," JATO Dynamics analyst Frank Brautlecht said.

Toyota has given no forecast for retail sales, but its latest estimate for shipments for the 2009 first quarter is 1.23 million vehicles, down 47 percent from a year earlier.

"Volkswagen has the luck of being strong in the markets that are currently growing, while Toyota is exposed to those that are collapsing," said Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer, head of the Center for Automotive Research in Gelsenkirchen, adding the quarter's results would be "close."

Volkswagen -- with its nine brands including Audi, Skoda, Seat and truckmaker Scania -- aimed to surpass Toyota and General Motors as the world's No.1 seller by 2018. The target was met with heavy skepticism since VW sold just 6.3 million vehicles to Toyota's 9 million in 2008.

But a deepening recession and credit crisis have crippled demand in Toyota's top markets, with U.S. sales falling 38 percent and Japan sliding 24 percent in January to March.

Market researcher R.L. Polk forecast that VW, which is majority owned by Porsche, will exceed GM's volumes this year after passing Ford in 2008.

Volkswagen is benefiting from government stimulus plans for the car industry that have boosted demand in Germany, China and Brazil, its three biggest markets that together accounted for half of all group sales in the first quarter.

In Germany, deliveries of Volkswagen group brands rose 4.5 percent to about 251,500 vehicles during the quarter. More than 160,000 new orders were booked as owners collected generous subsidies to scrap old cars in exchange for purchasing new ones.

Toyota, which significantly outsold every other manufacturer in 2008, has seen sales fall every month of this year in China, its third-biggest market.

By contrast, VW has seized greater control of weak markets like Russia. Despite a 39 percent contraction in overall Russian demand, Volkswagen grew its volume by 14 percent, enshrining it as the fourth-largest manufacturer in the country.

"Volkswagen is a big competitor for Toyota," said Koji Endo, auto analyst at Credit Suisse in Tokyo. "Audi is strong, Volkswagen is strong, and they're making good use of their small cars."

In the first quarter of 2008, Volkswagen delivered 1.57 million vehicles, a third less than Toyota's 2.41 million, which included sales at minivehicle and truck units Daihatsu Motor Co and Hino Motors Ltd.

Toyota's first-quarter U.S. sales fell 36 percent, while sales in Japan for the core Toyota brand plummeted 31 percent. The two markets account for just under half of its global sales.

Toyota, which is expected to disclose its worldwide first-quarter vehicle sales next week, could see competition heat up sooner than it expects with an eventual showdown in the United States where Volkswagen is now little more than an also-ran.

Toyota is counting on a third-generation Prius hybrid car due for rollout next month to jump-start sales as more countries offer consumers incentives to buy energy-efficient cars. It will launch 16 new models in Europe this year following a product drought last year.

Volkswagen will have in 2009 a full year of contribution from the sixth generation of its flagship Golf hatchback and the relaunch of its popular Polo subcompact.

VW has also moved up in stock value ranking, grabbing the No.2 spot behind Toyota, whose market capitalization of $133 billion still outstrips the German carmaker's $100 billion.
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   Re: VW sorpassa Toyota?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Aprile 21, 2009, 11:53:47 am
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vag regna!
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   Re: VW sorpassa Toyota?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Aprile 21, 2009, 12:11:20 pm
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vag regna!

Peggio (meglio) della gramigna! Cool
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   Re: VW sorpassa Toyota?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Aprile 21, 2009, 16:32:01 pm
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 Shocked Shocked Shocked

Toyota: produzione auto ai minimi da 31 anni.
Toyota, che comprende i marchi Toyota, Lexus, Hino e Daihatsu, dovrebbe produrre meno di 3 milioni di veicoli in Giappone durante l'esercizio in corso: complessivamente, scrive la stampa locale, l'attività del gruppo scenderà sui minimi di oltre 31 anni, sui livelli precedenti al 1978. Il gigante, secondo il quotidiano 'Yomiuri Shimbun', pensa di produrre circa 2,8 milioni di veicoli nel periodo aprile 2009-marzo 2010. A questo punto, scrive, "si pone il problema del mantenimento dei 69 mila dipendenti fissi che il gruppo ha in Giappone".
Toyota, numero uno mondiale dell'auto, dovrebbe nello stesso tempo assembleare solo 3,4 milioni di auto nelle fabbriche possedute fuori dal Giappone: quota che porterà il totale mondiale a 6,2 milioni, circa 3 milioni in meno rispetto a due anni fa. Il gruppo, che renderà noti l'8 maggio i risultati per l'esercizio 2008-09 e le sue stime per quello in corso, prevede -riporta la stampa- una perdita operativa annuale di 500 miliardi di yen (3,9 miliardi di euro) per l'anno finanziario corrente (al 31 marzo 2010).
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