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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 13:53:07 pm
Staff, V12, 37777 posts

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:46:07 pm
Staff, V12, 37777 posts
Sono stati piuttosto rapidi comunque...ecco la risposta :

Thank you for your message. Since our colleague who is familiar with the Italian language is on vacation, we hope that you understand our reply in English.

We are sorry to hear that you are currently experiencing difficulties with the radio/CD player in your Nissan 350Z.

We have to inform you that Bose does not manufacture head units (radio, cassette player, CD-player/-changer etc.) for the automotive industry. Bose "only" supplies loudspeakers and the system-electronics (amplifiers, equalization). The head units and other playing devices are manufactured by another car manufacturer supplier.

Therefore our information regarding the root cause of your problem is limited. As far as we understood the sound performance is unsatisfying while listening CD - o.k. with radio/tape?

If you would like to swap the radio with one not offered by Nissan, we have to let you know, that neither Nissan nor we do encourage the exchange of the head unit/radio. The radios used with our sound system have to meet a number of specifications and it is highly unlikely that any after market radio would fulfill all these requirements.

There are functions like the on/off timing to prevent the system from plopping, a special loudness curve of the radio output, the signal to noise ratio at higher volumes or the level of the output signal, etc. The head units in conjunction with a Bose system are especially coded. But that special Bose code can only be recognized by the units thoroughly tested and approved for Nissan.

Because there are too many different radios out in the market, we cannot possibly run all the necessary tests to make recommendations. It is theoretically possible, that one or the other radios would work without obvious problems, but we can not suggest or guarantee certain brands or models.

There exists an independent company called Dietz (www.audiotechnik-dietz.de) offering Bose adaptors. These units are specifically designed to connect aftermarket radios to the off factory Bose sound systems. You might want to contact them to find out if this would work in your case, too.

We are sorry not be able to help you directly. Please let us know if you did not feel comfortable with our explanations in English.

With our best regards,

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:47:26 pm
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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:49:25 pm
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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:52:11 pm
Utente standard, V12, 23763 posts

Sono stati piuttosto rapidi comunque...ecco la risposta :

Thank you for your message. Since our colleague who is familiar with the Italian language is on vacation, we hope that you understand our reply in English.

We are sorry to hear that you are currently experiencing difficulties with the radio/CD player in your Nissan 350Z.

We have to inform you that Bose does not manufacture head units (radio, cassette player, CD-player/-changer etc.) for the automotive industry. Bose "only" supplies loudspeakers and the system-electronics (amplifiers, equalization). The head units and other playing devices are manufactured by another car manufacturer supplier.

Therefore our information regarding the root cause of your problem is limited. As far as we understood the sound performance is unsatisfying while listening CD - o.k. with radio/tape?

If you would like to swap the radio with one not offered by Nissan, we have to let you know, that neither Nissan nor we do encourage the exchange of the head unit/radio. The radios used with our sound system have to meet a number of specifications and it is highly unlikely that any after market radio would fulfill all these requirements.

There are functions like the on/off timing to prevent the system from plopping, a special loudness curve of the radio output, the signal to noise ratio at higher volumes or the level of the output signal, etc. The head units in conjunction with a Bose system are especially coded. But that special Bose code can only be recognized by the units thoroughly tested and approved for Nissan.

Because there are too many different radios out in the market, we cannot possibly run all the necessary tests to make recommendations. It is theoretically possible, that one or the other radios would work without obvious problems, but we can not suggest or guarantee certain brands or models.

There exists an independent company called Dietz (www.audiotechnik-dietz.de) offering Bose adaptors. These units are specifically designed to connect aftermarket radios to the off factory Bose sound systems. You might want to contact them to find out if this would work in your case, too.

We are sorry not be able to help you directly. Please let us know if you did not feel comfortable with our explanations in English.

With our best regards,

vabbè se non avessero risposto sarebbe stata quasi la stessa cosa... oltre a lavarsene le mani, ti hanno giusto suggerito il sito di quegli altri che vendono adattatori... MAH...
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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:53:10 pm
Staff, V12, 37777 posts
infatti...almeno avrebbero potuto essere più precisi indicando le marche di radio che funzionano...

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:53:59 pm
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infatti...almeno avrebbero potuto essere più precisi indicando le marche di radio che funzionano...

probabilmente non possono, ma i hanno consigliato chi vende l'adattore è già qualcosa fidati.
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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:55:07 pm
Utente standard, V12, 23763 posts
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   Re: Autoradio sostitutivA 350z   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Ottobre 28, 2009, 14:56:22 pm
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