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| | |-+  [TOP GEAR] Leon 2.0 TDI PD
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   [TOP GEAR] Leon 2.0 TDI PD   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 01, 2005, 11:46:06 am
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What started out life as a Golf has - with the addition of a pouting grille, shovel nose, hollowed-out flanks and hidden rear doors - turned into something so distinctive looking that I'll refrain from commenting because you already know what you think.

But looks aren't the only difference between a Leon and a Golf. About half the Leons sold in the UK are over 150bhp, which could mean two things. The hot ones are a success, or the cheap 'n' chilly ones are a flop.

A bit of both, in truth. Seat intends to carry on giving plenty of pep for the money, and so most of the new Leons come with a Sports pack of alloys, sports seats, a six-speed gearbox and sports suspension.

We drove the top TFSi model two issues ago, and now Seat has announced it costs just £15,995, you've really got to pay attention. It's a cheap Golf GTI really, albeit missing a barely significant 15bhp.

There'll be a 240bhp Leon Cupra next year, and a 170bhp diesel too. For all of those hot ones, the sports suspension is a good thing: the ride is hard, but the car bashes along like a tarmac rally car, with sharp steering and heaps of grip.

But for the rest of the Leons that use it, this chassis is too pit-bull hard. A pity, as you can't pair the excellent 140bhp diesel with anything else. Relaxed engine, harsh and noisy car. A poor match.
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