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   Revetec - un motore "diverso"   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Febbraio 17, 2004, 18:20:11 pm
webmaster, V12, 50851 posts
REVETEC Limited is an Australian based Research and Development company who is developing the highly efficient CCE engine design. This World Patented design increases the mechanical advantage of an engines bottom end from approx. 64% (conventional) to an amazing 87%+. This increases the total thermal efficiency of a conventional engine (approx 27%) to approximately 50%.

This makes the CCE engine more fuel-efficient than a conventional engine. The technology can be applied to most internal and external combustion engine with greater efficiency. The CCE engine is also smaller, lighter and cheaper to manufacture than an equivalent engine.

The REVETEC Engine design consists of two counter-rotating ?trilobate? (three lobed) cams geared together, so both cams contribute to forward motion. Two bearings run along the profile of both cams (four bearings in all) and stay in contact with the cams at all times. The bearings are mounted on the underside of the two inter-connected pistons, which maintain the desired clearance throughout the stroke.

The two cams rotate and raise the piston with a scissor-like action to the bearings. Once at the top of the stroke the air/fuel mixture is fired. The expanded gas then forces the bearings down the ramps of the cams spreading them apart ending the stroke. The point of maximum mechanical advantage or transfer is around 10deg ATDC (the piston moving approximately 5% of its travel) making the most of the high cylinder pressure.

This compares to a conventional engine that reaches maximum mechanical advantage around 60deg ATDC. (after the piston has moved through 40% of its travel, losing valuable cylinder pressure). The effective cranking distance is determined by the length from the point of bearing contact to the centre of the output shaft (NOT the stroke). A conventional engine's turning distance is half of the piston stroke. The piston acceleration throughout the stroke is controlled by the cam ?grind? which can be altered to give acceleration to suit a certain fuel and/or torque application. This also allows different port timing on opposite strokes, increasing efficiency on 2-Stroke engines.

The piston assembly slides rigidly through the block eliminating piston to cylinder-bore contact. This reduces wear and lubrication requirements. This also reduces piston shock to a negligible amount making ceramic technology suitable. One module which comprises of a minimum of five  moving components, produces six power strokes per revolution. Increasing the number of lobes on each cam to five produces ten power strokes without increasing the number of components. The CCE integrates well with existing power plants and can utilise almost all existing engine technology with increased efficiency.

« Ultima modifica: Febbraio 17, 2004, 18:20:50 pm da alura »

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re:Revetec - un motore "diverso"   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Febbraio 17, 2004, 18:23:18 pm
webmaster, V12, 50851 posts
Guardate anche gli interessanti video...

Parlano di un rendimento finale del 50%.... chissa' ?

Anche il sound non e' niente male  Cool
« Ultima modifica: Febbraio 17, 2004, 18:24:12 pm da alura »

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re:Revetec - un motore "diverso"   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
baranzo Nothing's as it seems!
Febbraio 18, 2004, 00:03:57 am
Global Moderator, V12, 27239 posts
sembrerebbe quasi una variazione sul tema wankel, chissà se avrà più successo...

“La guerra è pace, la libertà è schiavitù, l'ignoranza è forza.” (G. Orwell, 1984)
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   Re:Revetec - un motore "diverso"   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Raven Wild thing, you make my heart sing
Febbraio 18, 2004, 10:48:36 am
Staff, V12, 19424 posts
sembrerebbe quasi una variazione sul tema wankel, chissà se avrà più successo...

o magari lo stesso successo del 2 tempi della Orbital che avrebbe dovuto capottare il mondo dei motori a benzina...

Prima vengono i sorrisi, poi le bugie. Per ultimi gli spari.
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   Re:Revetec - un motore "diverso"   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
baranzo Nothing's as it seems!
Febbraio 18, 2004, 10:59:44 am
Global Moderator, V12, 27239 posts
o magari lo stesso successo del 2 tempi della Orbital che avrebbe dovuto capottare il mondo dei motori a benzina...


ho ripensando a questo ravetec, la grande intuizione del wankel è che il moto trasmesso dal motore è rotativo mentre in questo motore tu hai un motore rotativo che trasmette un moto alterno che a sua volta deve essere riconvertito a rotativo! forse funziona ma in tal caso chi ci ha pensato è veramente un genio!

“La guerra è pace, la libertà è schiavitù, l'ignoranza è forza.” (G. Orwell, 1984)
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