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   supra 2004...ma quando arriva?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Maggio 02, 2004, 16:45:46 pm
Staff, V12, 37777 posts

ho trovato l'ennesimo documento su un'ipotetica erede della supra,attesa x il 2004...ma siamo gia a maggio e ancora non si sa niente...

Toyota will soon go on the offensive on both the performance and environmental-impact fronts with two new products - the Prius and an all new Supra-style coupe - in addition to the 'safety first' ideals of the new Avensis wagon

The car maker soon plans to reveal its radical Supra sports-coupe, or at least a concept of the vehicle, at the Tokyo Motor show late in October. In addition to this, a new-generation Prius hybrid will go sale in New Zealand later this year.

Production of the twin-turbo Supra ceased in 1999. The new version is likely to sit on the forthcoming second-generation Altezza/Lexus IS 300 platform, with a wheelbase of 2650 mm and overall length of 4450 mm.

Expected to go on sale next year, the coupe, which will probably no longer wear the Supra name-tag, is said to be a modern take on the classic 2000 GT of the 1960s.

Engines are likely to be 2.5 litre or 3.0 litre V6s in base mode, and a 242 kW 3.5 litre normally aspirated V6 in the top model, matched to a six-speed close-ratio manual tranny. Expensive twin turbos will almost certainly be a distant memory. US magazines published rumours of a 4.5 litre V8, and even a V10, but it's odds-on that smaller atmo V6s will power the 2004 Supra, as the curvy, compact, all-new sports coupe is expected to be a Nissan 350Z competitor.

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re:supra 2004...ma quando arriva?   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Miki Biasion
Maggio 02, 2004, 23:23:48 pm
Utente standard, V12, 42086 posts

ho trovato l'ennesimo documento su un'ipotetica erede della supra,attesa x il 2004...ma siamo gia a maggio e ancora non si sa niente...

Toyota will soon go on the offensive on both the performance and environmental-impact fronts with two new products - the Prius and an all new Supra-style coupe - in addition to the 'safety first' ideals of the new Avensis wagon

The car maker soon plans to reveal its radical Supra sports-coupe, or at least a concept of the vehicle, at the Tokyo Motor show late in October. In addition to this, a new-generation Prius hybrid will go sale in New Zealand later this year.

Production of the twin-turbo Supra ceased in 1999. The new version is likely to sit on the forthcoming second-generation Altezza/Lexus IS 300 platform, with a wheelbase of 2650 mm and overall length of 4450 mm.

Expected to go on sale next year, the coupe, which will probably no longer wear the Supra name-tag, is said to be a modern take on the classic 2000 GT of the 1960s.

Engines are likely to be 2.5 litre or 3.0 litre V6s in base mode, and a 242 kW 3.5 litre normally aspirated V6 in the top model, matched to a six-speed close-ratio manual tranny. Expensive twin turbos will almost certainly be a distant memory. US magazines published rumours of a 4.5 litre V8, and even a V10, but it's odds-on that smaller atmo V6s will power the 2004 Supra, as the curvy, compact, all-new sports coupe is expected to be a Nissan 350Z competitor.

E che Supra sarebbe senza il doppio turbo?? Bahh...

"Preferire un cambio robotizzato ad un cambio manuale è come preferire una donna virtuale a Monica Bellucci in carne e ossa"
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