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   M3 E90 qualcosa di vero   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
ChS ///M Power
Luglio 23, 2005, 23:02:43 pm
Utente standard, V12, 3897 posts
This is info from Scott26, insider from BMW. I seen info from him before anyone else heard of it and all info I heard from him has always been correct. So its a big chance this is true.

414 bhp
Coupe , Sedan , Touring and Coupe - Cabrio body styles
Alluminium front end
innovative chassis design
SMG drivelogic 7 speed
Manual gearbox 6 speed
Carbon fibre roof ( Coupe only)
Magnesium components
Thermo plastic body parts.
Lighter high performance CSL

The next M3 as always will be the flagship of the 3er portfolio. And will be available as coupe, sedan and then a high performance touring version.
The reintroduction of a sedan and the introduction of a Touring was chosen because we realise we are losing customers who want the practicality . The logical choice would be Alpina but many defect to other manufacturers.

The next M3 will receive a high rev V8 evolved from the latest V10 - Basically two cylinders removed but no less spectacular.
due to increasing competition ,power up to 414BHP The next CSL will head into 500 BHP territory.
Specified , top speed could be unlimited up to 180 or 190mph. Six speed manual gearbox and optional Seven speed SMG. drivelogic.

The next M3 is all about progress - We upgrade the current car (E46) to todays requirements , add tweak here, more developments , new materials and remove some weight from there.

The Coupe is expected to follow the M6 with a carbon fibre roof however both a metal roof and carbon fibre have beeen tested to see which one emphasizes the cars capabilities. Carbon fibre won. As it will be positioned as the top M3 variant. More use of cabrbon fibre and composite plastic as seen with M6. Structure and chassis will benefit with use of alluminium for exceptional ride quality , rigidity and handling.

The next M3 is known as the 100%er
As a car especially a performance it can do no wrong - The appeal of the M3 will still be there but with the use of lightweight materials . This evolution will give a feel of nostalgia by mirroring past M3 achievements.

In giving a strong character and a driving experience like no other car on the market. Audi may have 420BHP RS4 - but they have 4.2 engine and quattro technology = weight penallty.

The next M3 will fully be seen in all body styles of the 3er E90 platform -
think of it as an M3 for all types of users. Sedan for the family , Coupe for the enthusiast , cabrio for the sunseekers and Touring for the capacity. All to known coupe-cabrio as 4er - BMW have now changed their mind and will develop a new 4er car from the ground up - What shape this is to be in is not known as yet.

Presentazione seconda metà del 2006 e inizio consegne dal 2007

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   Re: M3 E90 qualcosa di vero   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Miki Biasion
Luglio 25, 2005, 10:47:44 am
Utente standard, V12, 42086 posts
Se fosse realmente così, sarebbe una gran cosa! Gamma estesa (pure Touring, figata!), possibilità di avere anche il normale manuale (e non come dichiarò qualche dirigente BMW tempo fa...), attenzione all'incremento di peso. Ora non resta che aspettare, peccato però che ci voglia ancora un annetto alla presentazione Undecided

"Preferire un cambio robotizzato ad un cambio manuale è come preferire una donna virtuale a Monica Bellucci in carne e ossa"
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