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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
ChS ///M Power
Febbraio 21, 2007, 18:54:26 pm
Utente standard, V12, 3824 posts
A me risulta il motore 4700 della 8C.....
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Febbraio 21, 2007, 19:00:28 pm
Utente standard, V12, 731 posts
A me risulta il motore 4700 della 8C.....
sulla gransport con cambio elettroattuato
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Febbraio 22, 2007, 13:28:30 pm
Visitatore, , posts
cavolo, che ondata di confronti......
oltre ad avvocati, ingegneri, astronauti e vsri c'è anche un oculista nel Pistone ?

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Febbraio 23, 2007, 19:19:36 pm
Utente standard, Bicilindrico, 94 posts
Ragazzi sn tornato manco da quasi un anno e scusate se entro sl adesso.  Ne approfitto x salutare ttt qll ke si sono scontrati con me. Ma passiamo alla questione principale.

Io da appassionato Maserati (quando ne vedo una sbavo + che se passasse la Arcuri nuda davanti a me) posso dire che il muso sporgente ripiglia le linee classiche della casa, il profilo ricorda quello di uno squalo, come è da sempre nell'intento del desiner maserati, mentre il posteriore non mi affascina molto, i fanali posteriosi così grossi perndono l'eleganza tipica Maserati. Ma nel complesso bella ed elegante, non c'è niente da dire è pur sempre Maserati.
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
MB MB CL500 sport driver
Febbraio 24, 2007, 10:31:27 am
Utente standard, V12, 5368 posts
Ebbene sì, a me dalle foto non piace, tranne che negli interni, dove mi sembra che il passo avanti rispetto all'attuale sia clamoroso (come ci si aspettava, d'altronde). Mi sembra che siano quelle esterne linee troppo eleaborate.

La civetta ( cioè il cr....) cantò tre volte e il Bar chiuse definitivamente le porte...UTENTE BANNATO
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
desmopeppe piegare ma nn piegarsi!!!
Febbraio 24, 2007, 12:59:00 pm
Utente standard, L4, 178 posts
Bellissima davvero  Grin certo il posteriore... mi sa di aston martin...

Un tuono desmodromico risuona all'orizzonte! Preparati o musa a cavalcare ancora la tempesta!!! Smiley Smiley Smiley
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
ChB ... senza questa, nessuno
Febbraio 24, 2007, 19:59:05 pm
Utente standard, V12, 23581 posts
Ma Egger va da Audi, e qui arriva quello Aston Martin? Ah, no ... era andato alla Jaguar ... ma non mi son collegato molto ultimamente ...

Vedremo dal vivo ...

"Un popolo che non beve il suo vino e non mangia i suoi formaggi ha un grave problema di identità"
                                             José Carvalho Larios (per interposta persona, MVM)
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Marzo 07, 2007, 10:52:28 am
webmaster, V12, 50831 posts

The brand-new, long-awaited Maserati GranTurismo, styled by Pininfarina, is making its worldwide debut at the Geneva Auto Show.

The muscular Maserati GranTurismo is suitable for everyday use, with excellent handling, a very sporty feel and a thrilling drive. But the Maserati GranTurismo is also a car which pays attention to comfort, materials, details, with a capacity of up to four people and inside space in the unique Maserati style. A high-performance sports car, exciting to drive, it has a V8 4.2 engine with 405 hp at 7,100 rpm and maximum torque of 460 Nm at 4,750 rpm, of which 75% is already achievable at
2,500 revs. Its maximum speed is 285 km/h, and it accelerates from 0-62 mph in 5.2 seconds.

Weight distribution is 49% on the front, 51% at the rear. The gearbox is automatic with self-adjusting controls which adapt the gear change to the driving style and conditions. The car is 4,881 mm long with a wheel base of 2,942 mm. The standard wheel rim is 19? or 20? as an option.

The everyday pleasure of sitting in the Maserati GranTurismo is related to the fact that you are cocooned in a captivating design that is pleasant to look at and to touch due to the high-quality materials, enhanced by the appeal of the craftsmanship and love of detail in the execution.

Once seated on board, the Maserati GranTurismo does not disappoint. The ample exterior dimensions are matched internally, guaranteeing all four passengers maximum comfort also on long journeys.

A design with a strong visual impact, intended to outshine other manufacturers:

    * Its style is inspired by the lines of the Pininfarina Birdcage 75th concept car
    * Style and dimensions blend into a thoroughbred and ultra-sporty car body, but never going over the top, always well-proportioned and elegant

Everyday enjoyment:

    * More room in the back than the average for the segment
    * The rear seats have been designed to accommodate two adults comfortably even on long journeys, which makes the vehicle a perfect example of Maserati?s concept of a great touring car
    * Pleasure of being on board: attractive design, wide range of materials, leather, woods and colour combinations available

The key words that describe the interior style are: modernity, elegance, craftsmanship, sportiness, liveability.

The interior is divided longitudinally by the centre tunnel which ideally almost distributes the available space between the passengers on the left and right sides. The dashboard lies horizontally and features right along its top a decorative ?V? shaped element, the distinctive feature of the Maserati marque. By drawing attention to the top part of the dashboard this helps create that sporty feeling of sitting close to the floor.

The attention to detail exudes from a number of features such as the subtle chrome inlay that elegantly decorates the buttons on the dashboard and steering wheel, the Trident logo hand-crafted on the seat headrests, the Alcantara trim lining the back of the gear change paddles, the leather belt fitting, front seats, beautifully handcrafted.

The basic material is Poltrona Frau® leather, a true expression of Italian craftsmanship, both as regards the rich quality of the raw material used and the traditional processing techniques adopted.  The Poltrona Frau® leathers used for the interior trim of the Maserati GranTurismo are the product of a thorough selection process, designed to ensure the highest quality and pleasurable contact with the natural material. The refined processes that they undergo add durability, strength and practicality to the attractive appearance and soft-to-the-touch quality.

The natural character and distinctive process used, which combines original mechanical solutions and individual hand-craftsmanship, make the leather soft and cosy in winter, cool and fresh in summer, and give it that very particular feature that makes ageing a factor that actually enhances the quality.

Adaptive light controls: another aspect that shows the attention to detail and innovative ideas.

The effective dual-xenon lights which are fitted to the Maserati GranTurismo can be enhanced by the rotation function which improves illumination of the carriageway and surrounding areas and hence improves driving safety whilst travelling at night on very winding routes.

The electronic high and low beam control unit captures the instantaneous information relating to steering and angle as well as driving speed and actuates special electric motors to rotate the light cones.

Maserati?s gran turismo tradition began in 1947, at the Geneva Auto Show, where the Modena car manufacturer presented the A6 GranTurismo styled by Pinin Farina, at the request of several customers. It was the first road going Maserati and 58 vehicles were produced. The car?s technical features and original, cutting-edge style were enthusiastically received by the motoring press.

Ten years later, in 1957, once more at the Geneva Auto Show, Maserati presented its first standard gran turismo, the 3500 GT. This was the car that would transform Maserati into a fully-fledged car manufacturer, while the production of road going vehicles took priority over racing cars. A total of 1,983 3500 GT models were produced in seven years.

The name of the new model ? Maserati GranTurismo ? is no coincidence. Once again, the Maserati - Pininfarina team has produced an exciting car whose construction, unique and inimitable style sets it apart from the competition.

With the new Maserati GranTurismo, Maserati is continuing the completion of its range, a direction which began at the NAIAS in Detroit in January with the launch of the Quattroporte Automatica.


Maserati has chosen Salvatore Ferragamo, a world leader in the production of luxury accessories, to interpret the outstanding class of the brand-new GranTurismo with a sleek luggage set made from exclusive high-quality materials.

Perfect for him or her in any travel situation, the five-piece set gives you total freedom and versatility on the move: a large case, a weekend bag, beauty case, suit holder and dual-function shoe case with removable divider. A sophisticated design inspired by the contours of the new GranTurismo radiator grille, in a set that will adapt to even the most individual style. This made to order set can be customised in two different materials and four different colours.


Maserati opened 2007 with a significant product development presenting the Quattroporte Automatica car that defines the spirit of the Italian flagship, and adds to the extraordinary design by Pininfarina an important development, suggested by the name itself: a completely new ZF hydraulic 6-speed transmission that ensures a sleek, fluid gear change while allowing for rapid shifting and seamless driving comfort.

The new lay-out of the transmission system emphasises the progressive power delivery of the Maserati V8 engine particularly at low engine speed without limiting its power. With radical changes under the bonnet, the engine has a wet-sump lubrication system instead of a dry sump, and the blue cylinder casing makes it instantly recognisable. The weight balance has been consequently modified, but the new distribution (49% front ? 51% rear) is still the best way to preserve the vehicle?s performance. Maserati offers the possibility of manual gear changes with a lever on the steering column.

The Quattroporte Automatica, which partners the Quattroporte with DuoSelect gearbox, is also available in two other versions: the Executive GT, which puts the emphasis on luxury and comfort, and the Sport GT which has a sportier feel.


In addition to the new GranTurismo and Quattroporte Automatic (also in the Executive GT version), Maserati displays in Geneva the Quattroporte Sport GT with the DuoSelect gearbox, with interior carbon-fibre finish, 20?? alloy wheel rims, aluminium pedals, dedicated to customers that focus on driving comfort.

Also on the stand will be the GranSport, the car for those who are looking for high performance and speed. The successful sales results and the wide press approval confirm that this car is a winning Maserati model.


Maserati?s sales results for 2006 closed in line with expectations. Volumes achieved during the previous year were consolidated, with 5,700 vehicles delivered to the sales network, representing a 3% increase.

The alignment of sales results for the past two years has represented a phase of growth and consolidation, ready for the vigorous period of growth which Maserati is set to embark on this year, with a fully overhauled product range and an ambitious objective: to achieve the target of over 7,000 vehicles delivered to customers.

The United States continues to be Maserati?s leading market worldwide, with around 44% of total sales (together with Canada). Italy is once again in second place, confirmed as the European leader ahead of the United Kingdom and Germany. Japan, Switzerland and France follow.

Maserati now is present in 58 countries and five continents, with a total network of over 253 point of sales. The most recent market open to Maserati is Bulgaria, while India will certainly be of potential interest to Maserati in the future.

Equally significant in terms of company growth and expansion is its collaboration with Alfa Romeo, to produce the 8C Competizione.


Maserati has designed a reconditioning programme for Quattroporte cars sold back to concessionaires by customers when purchasing a Quattroporte DuoSelect 2007 or Quattroporte Automatica.

Maserati?s commitment to its network of concessionaires and customers has led the company to set up this scheme, which will take the earlier Quattroporte models up to the same technological levels as the Quattroporte 2007. The ?Maserati Engineering Certified? programme will significantly increase the quality and market value of the used Quattroporte cars.

With the ?Maserati Engineering Certified? programme, Maserati is clearly investing in its own cars, guaranteeing Trident customers the best Maserati quality for both new and used vehicles.


2007 is a big year for Maserati ? a year of important anniversaries not only for the standard production (3500 GT), but also as far as racing is concerned.

Fifty years ago, Juan Manuel Fangio won the F1 world championship title at the wheel of the Maserati 250 F. Today, Maserati is still a star of GT races. It ended the international championship FIA GT 2006 by winning the drivers? title with Andrea Bertolini and Michael Bartels, the team championship with the Vitaphone Racing Team, and with a second consecutive victory at the world renowned Spa 24 hour race. The Playteam also won the Italian GT championship with Giambattista Giannoccaro and Toni Vilander.

The goal for 2007 is to continue this winning sequence which began with the debut of the MC12 in 2004. There will be six Maseratis lined up, driven by the Playteam, Vitaphone Racing Team and JMB Racing.

To demonstrate the technological excellence and enormous potential of Maserati as a manufacturer of dream cars, we should point out that the MC12 Versione was derived from the MC12 GT1, of which only 12 were produced.


In early February, Maserati S.p.A. and Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd, part of the Royal Dutch Shell Group, signed a worldwide technical and commercial partnership agreement.

Under the agreement, signed by Maserati?s CEO Roberto Ronchi and Rob Miesen, (General Manager Mediterranean Sales Area for the lubricants sector of Royal Dutch Shell), Maserati will appoint Shell as its exclusive partner for the worldwide supply of lubricants, special fluids and petrol.

The agreement also assigns Shell the role of co-sponsor of Master Maserati, the driving school where Maserati customers and potential customers can learn how to drive high-performance cars safely, and the Premier Sponsor of international Maserati racing events.
This winning duo, backed by the solid tradition of success in their respective fields, also shares values such as outstanding customer service, pride in combining innovation and technological leadership ? features of both the new partners? business strategies.

« Ultima modifica: Marzo 07, 2007, 10:54:31 am da alura »

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Marzo 07, 2007, 10:57:26 am
Staff, V12, 37777 posts
ma siamo ancora fermi ai 405cv?
comunque di sera devono essere carini quei fari Grin

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Marzo 07, 2007, 11:30:11 am
Visitatore, , posts
proprio girgia la dovevano presentare?
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
kaos In principio era tenebra,girò la chiave e luce fu.
Marzo 07, 2007, 11:42:10 am
Staff, V12, 32956 posts
Mi pare un po' bassina la potenza indicata.......mah
I fari deitro sembran gli occhi di Mazinga
Roll Eyes

Ecco là vedo mio padre.
Ecco là vedo mia madre le mie sorelle e i miei fratelli.
Ecco là vedo tutti i miei parenti defunti dal principio alla fine.
Ecco ora chiamano me, mi invitano a prendere posto nelle sale del Valhalla dove l'impavido può vivere per sempre.
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Marzo 07, 2007, 11:45:52 am
webmaster, V12, 50831 posts
Mi pare un po' bassina la potenza indicata.......mah
I fari deitro sembran gli occhi di Mazinga
 Roll Eyes

Bassa.... son sempre 97cv litro...

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Tarvos not in my name
Marzo 07, 2007, 11:51:49 am
Utente standard, V12, 7818 posts
Bassa.... son sempre 97cv litro...
ma è troppo lontana dai 600cv che rendono un'auto sportiva.

Ormai, se non hai almeno 600cv, stai guidando una carriola della Peg Perego ricarrozzata dai vari produttori di automobili.

anche io una volta nella mia vita ho corso più veloce di tutti.
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
kaos In principio era tenebra,girò la chiave e luce fu.
Marzo 07, 2007, 11:54:52 am
Staff, V12, 32956 posts
Bassa.... son sempre 97cv litro...

il problema è che già il modello attuale ha 400 cavalli............bisogna crescere, evolvere il modello......ce ne vogliono almeno 450 se non peggio

Ecco là vedo mio padre.
Ecco là vedo mia madre le mie sorelle e i miei fratelli.
Ecco là vedo tutti i miei parenti defunti dal principio alla fine.
Ecco ora chiamano me, mi invitano a prendere posto nelle sale del Valhalla dove l'impavido può vivere per sempre.
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   Re: Maserati Granturismo   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Marzo 07, 2007, 12:01:50 pm
Visitatore, , posts
il problema è che già il modello attuale ha 400 cavalli............bisogna crescere, evolvere il modello......ce ne vogliono almeno 450 se non peggio

considenrando che mi pare più"grossa/importante" dò ragione.

Ormai le berline tipo m3/rs4 sono oltre quei livelli!!
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