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   Dio, fai che sia vero!!!!!!!!!!!   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
pg "Forse tu non pensavi ch’io löico fossi!"
Febbraio 11, 2003, 17:21:30 pm
Utente standard, V12, 12456 posts
The relaunch the Lancia brand will include a modern interpretation of the classic 1970s mid-engined sportscar, the Stratos, which will go on sale in 2006. Ambitious plans being drawn up by Gianni Coda the head of the Fiat/Lancia/LCV division and Fabrizio Longo, the Lancia chief, include a new Integrale, the "Fulvietta" 2+2 Sports Coupe which will be shown in Geneva and aims to update another 1970's classic, the Fulvia, a luxury mid-size MPV, already at an advanced stage, and proposals to return the marque to the RHD markets that were abandoned over ten years ago as well as a push into the Far East and the USA.
The new Lancia Stratos will be a 2-seater luxury mid-engined four wheel drive sportscar, producing 300-400bhp and limited to 1000 units. Designed by Bertone, it is believed that Ferrari have had strong input into the proposals including the area of technology sharing. The new Ferrari-designed 4.2-litre V8 engine that appears in the Maserati Coupe and Spider is under consideration, although the forthcoming GM/Alfa Romeo V6 engine is currently the route being tipped. The original Stratos was powered by a 190bhp V6 sourced from the Ferrari Dino, and, like the Fulvietta concept, the new Stratos will draw heavily on the old car for inspiration.

Lancia will continue to invest in their "luxury sports" image, with a fundamental overhaul of their dealer network, starting in Italy and fanning out across Europe. Early targets will include establishing new markets in the Eastern European countries, that stand on the verge of joining the EU. Longer term proposals center around a sales drive into Asia and the possibility of a return to the RHD markets, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Meanwhile Lancia claim to be pleased with the public response to two recent new models the Thesis and Phedra. The Thesis in particular has drawn attention as it makes its way onto the Italian roads and although orders are slightly behind expectations, dealers report "major" interest in the luxury executive saloon.

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   Re:Dio, fai che sia vero!!!!!!!!!!!   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
ciccio chettelodicoafare
Febbraio 20, 2003, 19:37:22 pm
Utente standard, V12, 2470 posts
Credo che la Fulvietta starà attorno ai 40-45 milioni. Shocked

La Stratos temo di no! Cry

"...when other people's expectations become barriers, the best thing to do is to surmount them."
Erik Weihenmayer
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