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[table][td][/td][td]AutoExpress:Yes, this is a copy of a Caterham Seven. So where's it from? Well, Joop Donkervoort used to import Caterhams into the Netherlands before striking out on his own 25 years ago. The latest D8 (it couldn't be called D7 for legal reasons) weighs 630kg and is powered by Audi's 1.8-litre turbo engine. But with this Sport model producing 207bhp and 320Nm at 4,000rpm, it's faster than any car wearing four rings.
Azzo, dev'essere una bestia! Curioso notare come, meccanicamente parlando, sia piuttosto diversa dalle varie Caterham e Westfield.. queste ultime usano motori di moto o al massimo motori automobilistici aspirati.. questa D8 invece un 1.8 turbo da 320nm! Chissà che derapate!!
"Preferire un cambio robotizzato ad un cambio manuale è come preferire una donna virtuale a Monica Bellucci in carne e ossa"