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The tractor man rushed through a stop sign (the foolish part we mentioned), but lost his trailer that rolled back smashing into a parked car. He saw it happening, so he jumped off the tractor, and ran towards the trailer only to stumble and plant his face on the ground.
And just to make a bad day even worse, he forgot to secure the tractor, which also rolled back bumping into him before swiping a motorcycle and the trailer!
"This happened to me on SR 41 in Tampa on Monday March 24th. This pathetic excuse for a human being tailgated me for about three minutes. After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn't move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn't going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened. Now bear in mind, that this guy had already passed a truck in a left turn lane, was tailgating and driving recklessly on a wet slick road, wasn't paying attention, and all in all being an ignorant ass.
In the full video which I will post later, you will be able to see that not once was I mouthing off, I never brake checked him, and in fact until I watched the video after the accident I didn't even know he shot a bird at me because I wasn't looking at him at all, I was paying attention to the road while holding the phone up with my right hand. I've recorded circumstances like this before, catching idiots doing stupid things, but never ever had this happen.
He initially fled the scene of the accident, but thanks to this video he has been caught and charged. Massive props to the Sheriffs Department and most especially the Highway Patrol who responded to the scene. This moron could have easily killed somebody with his moronic behavior, and my laughing at the end would have been replaced with tears. Needless to say though, I've never seen Karma come back so fast."
L'ha fatto anche SDA davanti casa mia... porello, gliel'han pure fatto pagare! Andata bene che si è fermato contro il palo della luce: sarebbe cascato dal terrapieno direttamente sul serbatoio del GPL!!
L'ha fatto anche SDA davanti casa mia... porello, gliel'han pure fatto pagare! (...)
Io sapevo che i furgoni delle consegne sono privati, il corriere impone solo le sue grafiche (e buona grazia se te le paga...) e ti affida un certo territorio da coprire.
Almeno così mi diceva un corriere DHL tempo fa.
Cioè praticamente ogni singolo trasportatore è una azienda in proprio, che fa capo al corriere solo per avere le commesse.
Io sapevo che i furgoni delle consegne sono privati, il corriere impone solo le sue grafiche (e buona grazia se te le paga...) e ti affida un certo territorio da coprire.
Almeno così mi diceva un corriere DHL tempo fa.
Cioè praticamente ogni singolo trasportatore è una azienda in proprio, che fa capo al corriere solo per avere le commesse.
Quindi... furgone tuo, danni tuoi.
dipende...ho qualche cliente che effettivamente è con un Ducato a metano per SDA e una ragazza con uno Sprinter per la DHL... ma esiste anche un piccola flotta "privata" del corriere...