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"Casey è il pilota con il più grande talento che io abbia mai incontrato" JLorenzo, Stoner a Rossi “La tua ambizione è superiore al tuo talento”… mancherai Casey, per me sei a livello del mito Kevin
Se qualcuno ha voglia di leggere, qui c'è un test comparativo dell'impatto di 8 diversi prodotti sugli o-ring.
Parte 1: (immersione nelle diverse sostanze per 24hh) Conclusioni: Conclusion of short term exposure: 1. Carb cleaner and Gasoline samples swelled to significant sizes. Definitely not recommended to use these fluids to clean an O-ring type chain. The carb cleaner exposed O-ring increased in diameter by 29%! The gasoline exposed O-ring increased in diameter by 11%. 2. WD-40, and Kerosene seem to have negligible to no effect on the O-rings (+/-1%) 3. Brake fluid, and PJ1 chain lube seem to have a negligible to small effect on the O-ring's size.
Parte 2: (immersione per 15gg) Conclusioni: Final results for all soaked O-rings Results of study: All the chemical had an effect on the strength levels. Based on the reduction in strength after 15 day continuous exposure, it appears WD-40 reduced and had a detrimental effect on the the strength of the O-ring (20% reduction after 15x days). Whereas, the Kerosene reduced the strength level by 12%. More rigorous investigation is required, however based on these results I'll be using Kerosene to clean my X ring chain.
In sostanza... il cherosene, o petrolio bianco che dir si voglia, non produce nessun particolare effetto negativo sugli OR.