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   Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 17:31:03 pm
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ultimo modello di una nota casa coreana , famosa per un suv di successo che ha tempi di attesa paragonabili a quelli di una porsche . Che auto è ?

* indovina2.jpg (7.77 KB - scaricato 0 volte.)
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
vecchioliè basta che stai bbuon'a sotto
Luglio 02, 2003, 17:34:03 pm
Utente standard, V12, 1512 posts
ma si, è lei! la kia opirus con frontale della vecchia classe E e scudettone della thesis riadattato.
un vero mostro di lusso a 4 ruote Grin Grin Grin

90cv non sono 100...e non sono neanche 110!(citazione)
3 cilindri non sono 4 e 12V son meno di 16 (esperienza di vita)
ogni scarraf....caffettiera è bell'a mamma soia(saggezza popolare)
225034429 a.cantillo@tiscali.it Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 17:35:26 pm
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dai per 37.000 euros e 3.5 benza non è male. equipaggiamento come sempre all inclusive. certo che è un po pacchiana.........
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 18:40:57 pm
Visitatore, , posts
dai per 37.000 euros e 3.5 benza non è male. equipaggiamento come sempre all inclusive. certo che è un po pacchiana.........

Infatti è peggio Grin

dai....ne aggiungo 3000 e mi faccio la 330i........

mi domando con che coraggio la propongono Undecided
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 18:41:00 pm
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ultimo modello di una nota casa coreana , famosa per un suv di successo che ha tempi di attesa paragonabili a quelli di una porsche . Che auto è ?

E pensare che 'sti sottosv.... ci hanno anche mandati a casa!!! Huh Huh Tongue Tongue
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 18:43:45 pm
Staff, V12, 37777 posts
non capisco perchè non hanno nemmeno tentato di darle una linea un tantino + originale...per quel prezzo ,se è vero che è fatta bene potrebbe essere allettante

Nessun vento è favorevole per chi non sa dove andare, ma per noi che sappiamo, anche la brezza sarà preziosa.
thekaiser350z@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 02, 2003, 18:48:25 pm
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non capisco perchè non hanno nemmeno tentato di darle una linea un tantino + originale...per quel prezzo ,se è vero che è fatta bene potrebbe essere allettante

dai per favore.....si parla di 70 milioni per un barattolo coreano che come assetto sono fermi all'argenta
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Miki Biasion
Luglio 02, 2003, 19:23:41 pm
Utente standard, V12, 42086 posts
Si trattasse solo di assetto.. il problema è che.. cavolo.. è proprio brutta! Cheesy

"Preferire un cambio robotizzato ad un cambio manuale è come preferire una donna virtuale a Monica Bellucci in carne e ossa"
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
ZizzaniaMan_Eccezzziunale Kyra
Luglio 03, 2003, 01:19:44 am
Utente standard, V12, 5502 posts
E pensare che 'sti sottosv.... ci hanno anche mandati a casa!!! Huh Huh Tongue Tongue

Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

Non ricordarlo...la ferita brucia ancora  Embarrassed Cry

Non vendo sogni, ma solide realtà.
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 03, 2003, 09:15:15 am
webmaster, V12, 50833 posts
dai per favore.....si parla di 70 milioni per un barattolo coreano che come assetto sono fermi all'argenta

A me sembra che sia la vostra mentalità a essere ferma all'argenta. Sono anni che i prodotti coreani crescono ad un ritmo sfrenato in proporzione al resto del mondo. Hanno capito che c'e' gente che mette il design in secondo piano (non sempre, vedi il sorento) a favore di contenuti decenti a prezzi altamente competitivi. E si sono ritagliati una grossissima fetta di mercato.

Kia ed Hyundai, al contrario del nostro gruppone (ma sapete che non sono antifiat), stravende in America, mercato base:

Da automobilismo.it: Cresce velocemente la presenza del marchio Kia nel mondo. Le vendite del costruttore coreano sono infatti passate dalle 959.737 unità del 2000 a 1.027.491 nel 2001 (+7,1%) fino a 1.035.132 nel 2002 (+0,8%). Un trend che è proseguito anche nei primi cinque mesi di quest'anno, dove l'ovale biancorosso ha venduto nel mondo 450.720 veicoli, di cui 149.817 sul mercato domestico e 300.903 su quelli d'esportazione (+36,6%).

Tornando all'opirus, anche secondo me non e' un gran che, ma chiamarla barattolo mi sembra proprio eccessivo...

Kia Opirus
Press Information

Concept and Background
Designed to replace the Enterprise luxury sedan in the Korean domestic market, the Opirus also represents a significant new move for Kia Motors as the company introduces a top-end passenger car onto the international market for the first time.
Developed over 22 months since model fix in May 2001 at a cost $167 million, the Opirus is a breakaway model in terms of its styling and its positioning. It is also the first premium end vehicle that Kia has developed on a shared platform with sister company Hyundai Motors.
Kia Motors? chief operating officer Yong-hwan Kim says of the car, ?The Opirus is a perfect example of the synergies that have been achieved through the takeover of Kia Motors by the Hyundai Automotive Group and also a clear indication of the differences between the two companies. The Opirus is built on the same platform as Hyundai?s Equus (Centennial) premium sedan, enabling us to reduce development costs dramatically.  Indeed, some 18% of the total development cost went in R&D investment and a further 41% in the development of production technologies. It is also one of the most distinctively styled vehicles, both inside and out, that Kia has ever produced.?
The development of the Opirus rounds out Kia?s international range with a highly competitive luxury sedan that combines safety and performance with exceptional comfort.  Taking Kia another step further away from its outdated perception as a maker of small, cheap cars, the Opirus is positioned to compete between the middle-high and near luxury segments.  The car will be aiming to attract customers from vehicles including the Nissan Maxima, the Toyota Avalon and the Peugeot 607 by providing a level of sophistication and a range of features more usually found at the higher end of the market.
The target buyers for the Opirus are professionals in their mid forties to late fifties for whom appearance and image are important but who are also sensitive to value. The Opirus would therefore appeal, for example, to established businesspeople who are just starting their own enterprise or making a major career change. It is also a compelling buy for executive fleet managers and younger professionals eager to purchase their first luxury car but not yet in a financial position to consider the more traditional luxury brands.
The Opirus name is derived from the Biblical city of Ophir, the city immortalised in the first verse of John Masefield?s poem ?Cargoes.? Ophir was a trading centre renowned throughout the ancient world as a source of high-end items such as fine gold, sandalwood and exotic animals.  The Opirus name therefore carries connotations of style and luxury with classical overtones.
The Opirus will be built at Kia?s Hwasung plant and initial production is expected to be 35,000 units per year rising to 70,000 units from 2006.
The Opirus is a highly distinctive car that retains some design elements from the smaller Optima/Magentis but maintains very much its own unique identity. The design team, headed by in-house designer Sung-dae Baek, was heavily influenced by retro-European designs but also incorporated design features to increase the vehicle?s appeal in other global markets.
The assertive trapezoidal radiator grille dominates the front view. The grille has a distinctive chrome finish for added impact and greater refinement. The large horizontal slats are angled slightly downward from the outside edges toward the bold vertical strut in the centre of the grille, giving a sense of dynamic motion and completing the line formed by the front edge of the hood. Two character lines on each side of the hood create a scalloped look.  The grille is flanked by a dual headlamp cluster consisting of elliptical lamps angled slightly inward to match the line of the radiator.  The outside lamp contains an integrated fog lamp at the bottom and position and low beam lamps at the top. A headlamp washer incorporated into the front bumper helps keep the headlamps clear of dirt thrown up from the road and guarantees optimal visibility.
A single character line runs the length of the side view emphasised by a wide chrome side protector. The chrome strip continues the line begun with the corner strips on the front bumper and unites them with a similar strip wrapping around the rear. Otherwise, the side is smooth and rounded, with a sleek, streamlined finish. The passenger compartment is rounded off at the C-pillar to create a strong, executive look. Completing the side view are stylish 16? alloy wheels coupled with 225/60 Michelin tyres.
From the rear, the Opirus is equally distinctive. The trunk lid is rounded and creates a smooth surface that extends across the rear of the car, complimenting the line of the backlite.  Dominating the rear view are the tail-lights, which are split across the trunk.  On the outside are the reversing lights and turn signals. On the inside, built into the trunk lid, are the brake lights and rear reflectors. The tail-lights are protected by a clear polycarbonate lens cover and embellished with jewel-like faceted detailing that imparts an upscale appearance and a stylish, polished appeal.  The circular motif on the brake lights echoes the elliptical headlamps to add a sense of unity to the design.
The interior design for the Opirus builds on the car?s stylish exterior. With a choice of fabric or full leather trim, the Opirus provides total comfort and refined looks in a package that also offers a full range of convenience features.
The interior design continues the same flowing lines that characterise the exterior of the vehicle, with gently curved surfaces and smooth edges. Controls are ergonomically positioned to ensure the maximum ease of use and the wood-grain finish on the centre fascia, doors and steering wheel gives the interior a crafted look and feel.
The interior is light and airy, thanks to the large expanse of glass, and roomy enough to seat five adults in considerable comfort.
The dashboard extends in a broad, unrelieved arch between the A-pillars, creating a sill that shades the instrument cluster from glare. The four spoke steering wheel is foam padded for safety. A leather wrapped steering wheel both with and without woodgrain is also available. All have the chromed Kia logo displayed prominently in the centre.
The ignition is mounted on the dashboard below the instrument cluster rather than on the steering column for added convenience and is illuminated for better visibility.
The centre fascia sits in a broad central console and is finished in a wood trim. The console has the functional effect of bringing forward the audio and climate controls without impeding the sweeping line of the dashboard.  All controls are push-button type for ease of use and clearly marked for increased visibility.
Above and to each side of the central console are central air vents. Additional air vents are positioned at the left and right sides of the dashboard. All feature an on-off function.
The central pillar continues down to join the central console which features a high, padded arm rest. The automatic gear selector below the fascia features a polished front plate that adds impact and a touch of flair to the interior.
The parking brake is operated by foot, creating additional space for the centre column by removing the customary hand-lever.
The door panels reflect the design of the rest of the interior and are highlighted once again with a wood trim. Interior door handles are chromed. The driver?s side armrest contains controls for the electric windows, outside mirror adjustors and remote locks.
Seating is comfortable and supportive throughout, holding the body secure while cornering and padded to ensure correct posture.
Comfort and Convenience
Combining great comfort with a full range of cutting-edge technologies ? some visible, some behind the scenes ? the Opirus is a car that is designed to be a pleasure to drive, as well as to be driven in.
The Opirus shows that Kia?s reputation for providing a great deal of car at a real value price is not restricted to volume models only.
The Opirus contains a fully automatic temperature control system as standard with push-button functions and dual temperature zones for the driver and front passenger zones.  The system allows the driver to select a temperature for the interior and then leave the car to reach and maintain that temperature. A one touch AUTO function sets temperature, air conditioning, airflow and fan speed without any further input from the driver.
The Opirus comes with an audio system that has been designed to match the passenger compartment and echoes the refined styling of the interior.
The custom-tuned 6-channel, 270-watt sound system is by U.S. manufacturer Infinity and delivers exceptional sonic detail and realism. Sound is broadcast through a standard eight-speaker set-up, with four 6.5? speakers and four 1.5? tweeters mounted in the front and rear doors. In the deluxe trim version, a woofer mounted on the rear parcel shelf and an external amplifier are also included.
The driver?s seat features a 8-way power adjustment function controlled by an intuitive switch mechanism mounted on the driver?s door. A separate button on the side of the seat controls the lumbar support, also electronically. The result is a precisely configured seating position that ensures the maximum possible comfort for the driver.
The Opirus is exceptionally roomy inside, offering more legroom and headroom than most of its direct competitors. Front legroom is an impressive 1,110mm while rear passengers enjoy 945mm of space. The Opirus also allows for 1,015mm of headroom at the front and 975mm at the rear, providing ample space for both driver and passengers. A generous 1,475mm of shoulder room at the front and a near equally spacious 1,460mm at the rear ensure that passengers travel at the maximum level of comfort.
The whole of the driver?s space is configured to allow the driver to maintain total control of the vehicle without releasing the wheel for any longer than a couple of seconds. The result is a comfortable, relaxing driving experience that surrenders nothing in terms of safety and security.
Performance and Power
The Opirus? refined Sigma 3.5 litre V6 gasoline engine offers a compelling mix of performance and power. Designed using computer aided technology and utilizing lightweight alloys such as aluminium for the cylinder block and power-cast metal for the connecting rods, the Opirus engine is very light and offers an excellent power-to-weight ratio.
The engine?s peak output of 146kw is achieved at 5,500rpm while maximum torque of 294Nm is reached at 3,500rpm. The engine will push the Opirus from 0-100 kph in 9.2 seconds and from 60-100 kph in 5.1 seconds, according to in-house measurements.  Internal measurements give the Opirus a top speed of 220 kph, burning 12.9 litres of gasoline per 100 km in the city.
The Opirus engine is mated to a five speed automatic gearbox which offers a sequential manual mode to provide the driver with a choice between a pure automatic and the sportier handling of a manual transmission.
Within sequential mode, the automatic gear change is overridden to allow the driver to select the appropriate gear manually, within certain limitations. Sensors measure engine speed and acceleration and limit gear changes accordingly.
Ride comfort on the Opirus begins with the independent double wishbone front suspension.  The double wishbone system offers many advantages, including optimum tyre grip, improved traction and near perfect camber control. At the rear, the Opirus rides on an independent multi-link set up with coil springs and an anti-roll stabilizer bar.
The suspension system is supported with gas-filled shock absorbers as standard.  Gas-filled shocks provide damping force proportional to the amount of compression, reducing the transference of road shock to the body of the car. This optimises initial deflection while minimising noise levels. Minor movements of the wheels are damped smoothly but larger oscillations are more strongly damped.
Also contributing to the smoothness of the Opirus? ride is an electronic control suspension system. The ECS consists of sensors that constantly monitor the vehicle?s speed and ride quality as well as the degree of roll, dive or squat that the car is experiencing. That information is integrated and relayed to four actuators that adjust the individual firmness of each shock absorber to minimise the degree to which those forces are relayed to the vehicle body. The result is a supremely comfortable ride and enhanced manoeuvrability.
A button to the left of the gearbox on the centre console allows the driver to switch the ECS  settings from automatic to sports mode.

Kia prides itself on its developing reputation for providing some of the safest vehicles on the road. The Opirus continues to build on that reputation.
The interior of the Opirus has been designed to ensure comfortable, fatigue-free motoring.  The instrument cluster is clearly laid out and easy to read, control dials on the central fascia are simple to use and are placed within easy reach of the driver while the 8-way power driver?s seat provides an exceptional degree of adjustability.
The Opirus features an improved braking system supplemented by a range of electronic systems that ensure the driver maintains complete control of the vehicle even when braking under difficult conditions. The car comes with ABS, EBD and TCS systems as standard for smooth, even braking and maximum control. The Opirus is also fitted with an ESP system for even greater control in emergency manoeuvres. The combination of these four systems makes the Opirus the most comprehensively equipped vehicle that Kia has ever produced in terms of active safety technology.
The Opirus contains a third generation Electronic Stability Program developed by Continental Teves Corporation of Germany ? the first time a Kia vehicle has ever been fitted with such a system. ESP works by monitoring and comparing data on driver and vehicle behaviour. Sensors measure the rotational speed of the vehicle, the intended direction of the car based on the steering angle, and the actual track of the car. Other information on wheel speed, lateral acceleration and brake pressure is also monitored. The system is connected to the engine and transmission, allowing it to monitor and, where necessary, control acceleration and transmission.
A full complement of eight air-bags is fitted as standard in the Opirus. Driver and front passenger airbags are complemented with front and rear side airbags and curtain airbags.
The Opirus contains active headrest technology that moves the headrest forward and up when sensing an impact. This prevents the passenger?s head from whipping violently backward and forwards and thus prevents the neck injuries that are a common result of even comparatively minor accidents.
Three-point seatbelts are fitted to front and rear seats, including the rear centre seat. Front seatbelts are height adjustable for greater security and a more comfortable fit. Front seatbelts have pretensioners and load limiters as well as buckle sensors to determine whether the seatbelt is being worn. To meet regulations relating to the fitting of child safety seats, an anchor point is fitted in European models.
Environmental Protection
The Opirus is the latest in a long line of Kia vehicles that demonstrate an ongoing commitment to making cars that are as appealing to customers as they are easy on the environment. Whenever possible, recycled and recyclable materials were used in manufacturing the Opirus. All major plastic parts have been selected for ease of disassembly and stamped with a material composition code. Kia pursues a green design approach in terms of structural modifications and application of environmentally friendly materials wherever feasible.
In other aspects as well, the Opirus is an environmentally friendly automobile that meets Euro 3 and 4 standards.
The refrigerant gas used in the air conditioning system is the non-CFC R134a, which poses no threat to the earth?s ozone layer.
In order to raise the recyclable contents of its cars even higher, Kia continues to research and test new material substitutes, leading the drive at home and abroad to build greener cars for a greener tomorrow.

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 03, 2003, 09:20:02 am
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Beh 37.000 euro sono un po' troppi per sto pezzo di lamiera, cmq a parte le ruote da Pullman come macchinina non è male.
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
DoppiaEmme reality sucks... films are cool!!!
Luglio 03, 2003, 11:14:36 am
Utente standard, V12, 1032 posts
esteticamente devo dire che non è poi così male... (ma parla uno a cui piace da morire la multipla... Roll Eyes)

gli unici errori madornali di kia sono stati l'assenza di potenti diesel e un prezzo magari più adeguato al blasone (attenzione! non parlo di qualità ma solo del "nome").

ovviamente poi c'è il classico immancabile: gli interni!!!
sinceramente non so se lo facciano apposta a creare degli interni ogni volta sempre più brutti e pacchiani con valanghe di plasticosa-finta-radica dove trovano posto nerissime strumentazioni dal design quanto mai vecchio...

certo queste sono pecche (più o meno) gravi qui in europa, invece negli states probabilmente sarà un successone.

Dimenticati tutti gli scioperi di colpo: le urla di morte, le barricate, le comuni, le minacce di impiccagione ai lampioni, la porpora al Père Lachaise, e il caglio nero e aggrumato sul goyesco abbandono dei distesi, dei rifiniti...
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 03, 2003, 11:19:06 am
webmaster, V12, 50833 posts
certo queste sono pecche (più o meno) gravi qui in europa, invece negli states probabilmente sarà un successone.

Infatti. La opirus non e' certamente pensata per il mercato europeo. E' chiaramente una macchina per gli americani. Che poi la venderanno anche da noi e' un'altro discorso. Non e' da escludere che verrà dotata del diesel. Kia ha il 2.5 del sorento e il 2.9 del carnival (e il 3.5 benza dell'opirus e' lo stesso del sorento venduto in america).

Certo che nel muso potevano impegnarsi di piu  Undecided
« Ultima modifica: Luglio 03, 2003, 11:19:48 am da alura »

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Miki Biasion
Luglio 03, 2003, 11:47:57 am
Utente standard, V12, 42086 posts
Beh Marco, hai ragione ma.. il design secondo me è troppo trascurato. Poi è ovvio che occorre anche tener conto che l'auto mira ad altri mercati dove si tengono in considerazione altri fattori.

"Preferire un cambio robotizzato ad un cambio manuale è come preferire una donna virtuale a Monica Bellucci in carne e ossa"
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   Re:Indovinate che auto è.............   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Luglio 03, 2003, 11:52:35 am
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Certo che nel muso potevano impegnarsi di piu  Undecided

Il muso forse è l'unica cosa che non mi dispiace, ince è il posteriore che non mi convince proprio....gli interni sono cmq gradevoli
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